My New Site for Gandalf and Chewie- Life With Great Danes!

I love my Great Danes!
My Danes are silly, destructive, loving, fun, and annoying.  Does this sound like your Dane?
Are you here to learn about Danes?  Great!  Let's learn together!
Gandalf, Chewie, and I would love to make some new friends.

Here are some of the other titles I was thinking about for this blog:
My House Is Never Clean Because I Own Great Danes
S#*t My Great Danes Destroyed
A Free Great Dane Is Never Free
I'm Broke Because I Own Great Danes

But Seriously...Life With Great Danes is GREAT because I LOVE them!

We Are 8 Months Old!

Gandalf weighs 115 pounds.
Chewie weighs 120 pounds.

I Will Sit Where I Want

 When you're this big, almost anything can be used as a chair!  Gandalf loves to sit on the front table and look out.  Unfortunately, Chewie loves to STAND on the front table and look out!  As if he's not big enough already!

Just Chillin'

Zoomie Time! I'm The Winner!

Here is the end of "the zoomies" game.  It sounds like and feels like a herd of elephants are storming through your house and knocking over any furniture in their way.  That is because Danes run like crazy with the zoomies (in and out of the house) and knock over anything and any furniture that might be in their way.  Luckily this usually only lasts for 5-10 minute bursts.  When Danes weigh over 100 pounds each this becomes dangerous for small children, elderly people, fragile belongings, and anything you value.  It is around the Dane age of 6 months that a Dane owner begins to realize how powerful a Dane actually is.  This picture is after the zoomies where Gandalf has claimed himself as the winner of zoomie time.  By the way, the couch has been knocked about a foot from where it actually belongs.

We Are 6 Months- Whoa Where Did the Puppies Go?

Gandalf is now 82 pounds!
Chewie is now 92 pounds!

We Are 4 Months Old!

Look at how big we are!
Gandalf has grown 25 pounds in 2 months.
Chewie has grown 30 pounds in 2 months.

We Are Getting Big, Goofy Personalities

We are growing quickly in body and personality!  We both don't fit in the same places anymore?  What happened?  

Brotherly Love

I think this will always be my favorite picture of my two boys.  I just caught them sleeping together in this position and it was so adorable.

We Are 3 Months Old- WOW!

Gandalf gained 13 pounds this month.
Chewie gained 15 pounds this month.

Ahhh, Sleep!

Puppies are hard work.  If you don't watch them every second then something is getting peed on or chewed up!  Ok, now add in that one of them can't hear you yelling, "no, no, no," as you are running towards them and scooting them out the door.  Exhausting!  I am thankful for puppy sleepy time!

Is it more difficult to train a deaf dog?  No, it is just more difficult to get them to connect with you to understand what you want them to do.  Once you have their attention, they will understand the hand signals you are giving.

We Got Two Great Danes?!

We went to pick up Gandalf and came home with Chewie, too!  I am what you might call obsessed when it comes to new things- I study, research, and learn all I can before I make a commitment.  I learned everything I could possibly learn about Great Danes before committing to own one.  Then I started to notice the all white dog in the litter when looking at pictures of my Gandalf and from my research realized that he was likely going to be deaf and I became concerned.  Certainly the breeder would not be able to sell a dog that was deaf or use him for breeding, so what was to happen to him?  I sent a simple inquiry after reading up on deaf Great Danes: "Do you want me to take him and see if I can train him with sign language so he can be adoptable?"  Well, my request to train and return him became a plea to keep him and that is history.  Now we have two!  What have I done?

Our first day home with our sister, Buttercup:

I Fell In Love...

A harlequin Great Dane!  I had always wanted a harlequin.  I really don't know why.  I just did.  They are so beautiful and here I was holding my baby.  He was just 1 1/2 weeks old a mama let me hold him.  Just look how sweet his mama is making sure he is okay.  I wanted to make sure that he was the one, and he was!  In 6 and 1/2 weeks we would bring him home and we would name him Gandalf.  Our first Great Dane.  It was such an exciting time.  We had no idea at this time that Chewie (Chewbacca) would even be in our lives.