My New Site for Gandalf and Chewie- Life With Great Danes!

I love my Great Danes!
My Danes are silly, destructive, loving, fun, and annoying.  Does this sound like your Dane?
Are you here to learn about Danes?  Great!  Let's learn together!
Gandalf, Chewie, and I would love to make some new friends.

Here are some of the other titles I was thinking about for this blog:
My House Is Never Clean Because I Own Great Danes
S#*t My Great Danes Destroyed
A Free Great Dane Is Never Free
I'm Broke Because I Own Great Danes

But Seriously...Life With Great Danes is GREAT because I LOVE them!

We Are 8 Months Old!

Gandalf weighs 115 pounds.
Chewie weighs 120 pounds.

I Will Sit Where I Want

 When you're this big, almost anything can be used as a chair!  Gandalf loves to sit on the front table and look out.  Unfortunately, Chewie loves to STAND on the front table and look out!  As if he's not big enough already!

Just Chillin'

Zoomie Time! I'm The Winner!

Here is the end of "the zoomies" game.  It sounds like and feels like a herd of elephants are storming through your house and knocking over any furniture in their way.  That is because Danes run like crazy with the zoomies (in and out of the house) and knock over anything and any furniture that might be in their way.  Luckily this usually only lasts for 5-10 minute bursts.  When Danes weigh over 100 pounds each this becomes dangerous for small children, elderly people, fragile belongings, and anything you value.  It is around the Dane age of 6 months that a Dane owner begins to realize how powerful a Dane actually is.  This picture is after the zoomies where Gandalf has claimed himself as the winner of zoomie time.  By the way, the couch has been knocked about a foot from where it actually belongs.